maybe it's time to stop and ask for directions
I'm bored... can you tell? why else would I be investing my precious time (which should be spent on studying btw, seeing as how my end-of-sem exam is in about 45 hours time and I've still got tonnes to study!!!). But I figure it would be nice to give everyone a little shock to their systems every once in awhile. Though I'm pretty sure no one bothers checking out my blog anymore. It has been more than an entire year since my last post.
Anyways, for one of those self-life achievements, I shall continue blogging and be proud that I've stuck it through!
Updates... life's taking a surprising U-turn... Funny how sometimes you think you'd never be in the same situation twice but you end up putting yourself in that very situation three times or more even. Not saying that the situation is bad... it's just too uncertain to be comfortable. So much so that you start questioning everything about yourself. Start questioning the ideas and idealisms you've already set up for yourself because when you set them up you weren't actually thinking but just going with the flow, in the first place. And now that this situation has been pushing your buttons to question "Why?" or "Really?... " you start getting uncomfortable coz who wants to be pushed out of the proverbial 'comfort zone' like that. In any case, I'm embracing the challenge of rediscovering myself.
Though some may question, "Why think so much?" or mock you for wanting to take the time to think about stuff that is seemingly meaningless and a waste of brain cells to them, I say I'd rather live my life knowing I tried to figure out the little things than to let them pass me by and allowing myself to just go with the flow.
Maybe U-turn's aren't that bad, even if you may be U-turning to the wrong direction. Coz maybe there was something to be seen or experienced that you would've missed had you not taken the U-turn. And even if there was nothing there at least you would've learned not to make the same mistake again. Right? Whatever it is, I guess though we'd like to think we're in the driver's seat, we're just passengers. BUT I'd like to think I'm one of those back-seat driver people.